Product : VMware, Site Recovery Manager/8.2, Standard
Feature : Test Failover, Orchestration, Recoverability
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
Array-based: When testing a recovery plan, the VMs on the protected site are still replicated to the replica VMs disk files on the recovery site. During test recovery, the array creates a snapshot of the volumes hosting the VMs disk files on the recovery site. Array replication continues normally while the test is in progress. When performing cleanup after running a test, the array removes the snapshots that were created earlier as part of the test recovery workflow.

vSphere Replication (VR): When testing a recovery plan, the VM on the protected site can still synchronize with the replica VM disk files on the recovery site. The VR Server creates redo logs on the VM disk files on the recovery site, so that synchronization can continue normally. When performing cleanup after running a test, the VR Rerver removes the redo logs from the disks on the recovery site and persists the changes accumulated in the logs to VM disks.