Product : Nutanix, ECP [HCI]/5.19, Ultimate
Feature : Self Service, Programmability, Management
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
AHV only
The Prism Self-Service Portal (SSP) is a AHV-only feature (so not supported for vSphere and Hyper-V). SSP is integrated into Prism Central and enables end-users to access a portal where they can provision and manage VMs from templates, eliminating administrator requests or activity. SSP offers hands-off administration with fine-grained permissions and resources quotas through role based access controls (RBAC). The full range of self-service portal features is managed from the Prism Central web console user interface. Prism SSP can connect to the Active Directory in order to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) as well as to provide users and groups when configuring RBAC.

AOS 5.1 first introduced general availability (GA) support for hot plugging virtual memory and vCPU on VMs that run on top of the AHV hypervisor from within the Self-Service Portal. This means that the memory allocation and the number of CPUs on VMs can be increased while the VMs remain powered on. However, the number of cores per CPU socket cannot be increased while the VMs are powered on.

AOS 5.5 and above allow the full range of self-service portal features to be managed from the Prism Central web console user interface.

Self-service portal features include:
- VM Management: creating/updating*/deleting a VM, performing VM operations.
- Task Management: viewing the status of a task, restarting a failed task.

Updating a VM: the VM name, number of assigned vCPUs, or memory size of the VM cannot be changed, however disks and NICs can be added or deleted.

VM operations: launch console, power on/off, manage categories, (un)quarantine VM, add to catalog.

Prism Self-Service Portal (SSP) is included in both the Prism Starter and Prism Pro edition. Using Prism Central is a hard requirement. Prism Element is no longer supported as of AOS 5.5.