Product : VMware, vSAN [SDS]/7.0 U1, Enterprise
Feature : FW Upgrade Execution, Maintenance, Management
Content Owner:  Herman Rutten
Rolling Upgrade (1-by-1)
VMware vSAN provides 1-click GUI-based support for installing/updating firmware from a growing list of server hardware vendors. Currently this works for Dell, Lenovo, Fujitsu, and SuperMicro servers.

Some other server hardware vendors offer rolling upgrade options with their base software or with a premium software suite. With some other server vendors, BIOS and Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) updated have to be performed manually and 1-by-1.

VMware Update Manager (VUM) builds recommendations for vSAN. Update Manager can scan the vSAN cluster and recommend host baselines that include updates, patches, and extensions. It manages recommended baselines, validates the support status from vSAN HCL, and downloads the correct ESXi ISO images from VMware.

HBA firmware update through VUM: Storage I/O controller firmware for vSAN hosts is now included as part of the VUM remediation workflow. This functionality was previously provided in a vSAN utility called Configuration Assist. VUM also supports custom ISOs that are provided by certain OEM vendors and vCenter Servers that do not have internet connectivity.

vSAN 7.0 introduces vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) support for Dell and HPE ReadyNodes. vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) uses a desired-state model that provides lifecycle management for the hypervisor and the full stack of drivers and firmware on ESXi hosts.