There is one single SKU for RHV that includes server and technical workstation virtualization.
Red Hats Enterprise Virtualization includes an integrated connection broker as well as the ability to manage VDI users via external (LDAP-based) directory services. It is often referred to as RHV-D (technical workstation). The same interface is used to manage both server and technical workstation images (unlike most other solutions like e.g. VMware View, Citrix Xentechnical workstation).
Please note that VDI is an additional charge to the server product and cannot be purchased separately (i.e. without purchasing RHV for servers).
Red Hat Virtualization for technical workstations (RHV-D) consists of:
- Red Hat Hypervisor
- Red Hat Virtualization Manager (RHV-M) as centralized management console with management tools that administrators can use to create, monitor, and maintain their virtual technical workstations (same interface as for server management)
- SPICE (Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments) - remote rendering protocol. There is initial support for the SPICE-HTML5 console client is offered as a technology preview. This feature allows users to connect to a SPICE console from their browser using the SPICE-HTML5 client.
- Integrated connection broker-a web-based portal from which end-users can log into their virtual technical workstations
Note: VDI related capabilities are NOT listed as Fee-Based Add-Ons (no purchase of additional VDI management software is required or licenses involved to enable the VDI management capability).
However, you will require relevant client access licensing to run virtual machines with Windows OSs, see for details