Product : Red Hat, RHEV/3.6, RHEV
Feature : Linked Images, Storage, Network and Storage
Content Owner:  Roman Macek
No (native);
Yes (with Vendor Add-On: Red Hat Gluster Storage)
There is no native software based replication included in the base RHEV product.

However, there is support for managing Red Hat Gluster Storage volumes and bricks using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. Red Hat Gluster Storage is a software-only, scale-out storage solution that provides flexible unstructured data storage for the enterprise.

Red Hat Storage Console (RHS-C) of Red Hat Storage Server (RHS) for On-Premise provides replication via the native capabilities of RHS, with integration in the RHEV-M interface.
RHS-C extends RHEV-M 3.x and oVirt Engine technology to manage Red Hat Trusted Storage Pools with management via the Web GUI, REST API and (future) remote command shell.

Note that Red Hat Gluster Storage is a fee-based add-on.